Monday, June 2, 2008

Somebody Has To Go To Prison

On December 24th 2007 I sat and listen to Steven Emerson, Executive Director, of Investigative Project on Terrorism, which was taped on December 6, 2007. I was amazed that he was talking about false law suites that were being filed against him, by a radical Islamic group. Well, after living in America all my life I have noticing that the mainstream media has been silent against unjust tactics toward the poor and the minority. Why now is he rallying the media to protect cheap, reliable website hosting free speech to expose the evil of a group outside and inside of America? If the media is free to ignore the unjust tactics against the poor in America, why now, because the rich are under attack should we, the poor and minority Americans lend our voice to help the rich? The media and government agencies have been silent regarding the negative legislation that over tax the weak, poor, and the sick. America has radical Christians too. The media continue to squash truth and promote lies. Instead of the media focusing on the C.I.A. (George Tenet) lying to the President, Scooter Libby exposing an CIA agent and where to donate a car failing to do their jobs; they are focusing on Mike Vick, O.J. Simpson, Paris Hilton, Marion Jones, and Britney Spears. Somebody in the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. has to go to prison for false information. America has invaded Iraq and murdered their leader Saddam Hussain. You can say what you want about him being evil; however, he kept Iraq stable and the people of Iraq living in peace together. It was only a few Iraqis and the CIA that wanted Saddam killed. Somebody has to go to prison in America for that injustice. There are a lot of evil leaders on planet earth. America, we as citizens, cannot send our military over to murder all evil leaders. God is not pleased with America at this time.

Now America we have the Presidential election taking place today in the United States of America. I believe we have a dream team that is running with different gifts. I wish Barack Obama, Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, and Mike Gravel would just support each other. You see as long as one of these four is elected President of the United States, American is on the road to recovery. Barack Obama has the gift of uniting the people; Ron Paul has the gift when car insurance for comes to balancing the budget; Dennis Kucinich has the gift of taking the profit out of the insurance companies; and Mike Gravel, will be sure to remind Congress that the Constitution is Americas' guide when they are writing legislation. With this team in place; American citizens we will all be blessed. Once these public servants are in place we, as Americans, must continue to fight for our "Bill of Rights" and the "Declaration of Independence" and the "Constitution of the United States." Now America let us just ask the question: Who is getting rich in America while the dollar is low; housing (shelter) is high; college (education) is high; gas (fuel) is high; and food (nourishment) is high? Once we answer this question we, as American Citizens, will know who to blame and focus on right?

We now have our unelected government agencies with Congress silence or approval getting ready to I.D. every American like the farmers I.D. their cattle. The department of Homeland Security said the reason behind this new law is to protect American Citizens from identity theft and to keep track of known and unknown terrorist. Is all this to keep American citizens safe? Well ask yourself American Citizen; "Will I feel safer with somebody other than myself protecting myself?" If you are smart you will come up with the same answer all educated free minded Americans did; which is NO!!! We all need to be armed to protect ourselves. The Police, FBI and the CIA, can only do so much to protect our nation; but when it comes to the everyday American citizens they will fail 100% of the time, because they cannot be everywhere where crime is happening. So I suggest that we, the American citizens, start to fight hard for the 2nd Amendment even if some of us have to die to protect ourselves from too much government intrusion in to our personal and private lives. I heard Sam Donaldson say on "This Week" that when a lily white state surprises him by voting for an African American Black Man he knows that American citizens are changing." I say to Sam "your racism is showing when you make a statement like that on national television." I say to Cokie Roberts "your racism was showing also when you made a statement concerning Barrack Obama response to Hillary, when he told her "she is likeable enough." Once again Cokie Roberts, as an Anglo American Woman, you feel superior over the African American Black race. I say to Cokie Roberts if you really want to say something why don't you talk about why Hillary Clinton and other American women, wants to keep their father last name even though she and they are married to their husbands.

Every woman has the last name of some man; however, Hillary wants to keep her fathers' last name. This to me is a woman who refuses to let go of her mothers' man last name. You see America the mainstream media has always been racist. When Brian Williams and Tim Russert question the democratic candidates they ask questions about race, however, when they question the republican candidates they ask questions about religious differences. America we have a problem in America and it is with the white Anglo media talking heads. Right now Jackie Glass, a Clark County District Court judge, is a member of the criminal justice community, who is overseeing O.J. Simpsons' trial and she is making a racist decision concern OJ Simpson bail. Now all of a sudden she wants to see cash in order to release him. The America mainstream Anglo media continue to persecute American Citizens, who are trying to live a productive life, fulfilling their personal dreams in sports and entertainment, instead of reporting how the politicians, are over spending in Congress. The mainstream Anglo media is very quiet as America debt to China increases. Somebody got to go to prison.

With Barrack Obama running for President of the United States, the criminal justice community and the mainstream media servants are unable to suppress their racist behavior that has been in their hearts from birth. Let me inform the Anglo public servants in America of the benefits that African American brings to the United States. When you see us hurting and being oppressed know this; it is just a matter of time before you will be hurting; when you see us homeless; it is just a matter of time before you are homeless. When you see us loosing our jobs; it is just a matter of time before you loose your jobs. When Congress passed racist legislation against the poor and minorities; it is only a matter of time before racist legislation is passed against rich and middle class Anglos. When you see the black African Americans being profiled; it is only a matter of time that white Anglos' are profiled. Now today all of us are being profiled; but it was the African American Blacks in America that was the first to experience all of these injustices. So please pay attention. When you see African Americans marching and screaming; you better join in to save yourselves from the same oppression and injustice. Somebody has to go to go to prison!!

Remember Anglo Americans home mortgage refinance tip Congress pass legislation that will prevent any man from earning a living to take care of his family; you and your family will be next. I am so tired of listening to Anglos on a panel speaking from their culture perspective. America is a nation of many cultures. I would like to hear the voices of other cultural perspectives concerning Americas' current events on a panel together during my life time. After all it is the European Union that is behind all of this drama on the planet earth. I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will raise up a people who are not afraid to die for their freedoms, like Martin Luther King Jr.; and not just passively lose them one at a time in the name of security. What good is the security of our nation if we, the American Citizens, cannot feed, house, educate, or shelter our families? America there is only two types of criminals that exist. There are the illegal criminals and there are the legal criminals. Guess which one is running our government? President George W. Bush and his regime continue to tell us that Al-Qaeda want to kill Americans because of our Freedoms; well then I guess George W. Bush must be the leader of Al-Qaeda, because it is him and his regime that is killing Americans and taking away our freedoms while Congress is silence. Can we all say "Patriot Act?" I say the insurance companies are also killing Americans, by refusing to pay for their medical needs. This nation for the last thirty years have been ran by an uneducated group of Anglo politicians, and Anglo corporations. Somebody have to go to prison!!

American Citizens we as a nation, of different cultures, must understand that the system of Capitalism will only be positive when it is the system of only one nation. As you can see because American corporations has made sure Congress passed laws like N.A.F.T.A. and G.A.T. corporations have created the system of capitalism in too many nations for capitalism to benefit America. Now that China, Japan, Africa, Soviet Union, and Europe are participating in the capitalistic system the United States is being destroyed from within. How is it that an American corporation will relocate their business overseas just to pay cheaper labor to gain higher profits; then in return send their product back to America for the American citizens to purchase? You know a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Unemployed Americans cannot and will not be able to purchase the cheap product, because they have no jobs. Most American citizens are living on entitlements, meaning by law they cannot work for more income. Why would Congress pass a law that would outlaw an American citizen, who is getting an entitlement, from earning more income? Then we have the American Citizens who are working for minimum wages living on smart is this, especially after Congress passed a law making it harder for Americans to file for bankruptcy, thereby, causing America to be a debtor nation of citizens. Somebody has to go to prison!!

In Conclusion I would like to thank God for the un-elected true American Citizens, like Michael Moore, John Stewart, and Steven Colbert, who continue to keep the grassroots informed of the truth concerning most of our elected representatives inability to keep their oath of office, which is to protect the American Constitution from foreign and domestic enemies. They are our true freedom fighters. I would like to thank President George W. Bush for exposing corruption in our elected leaders' personal lives and in our government run agencies. I would like to thank Sean Hannity, the talk show host, for asking the question: "Why are so many of our American politicians so willing to be conservatives or liberals?" Well if I may answer the question, it is for the same reason the Iraqis are online auto insurance quotes and Sunni. It is called being ignorant of the histories behind each title. America we have local, state, and federal legislators, who have for thirty or more years passed legislation that took away our personal freedom; and given corporations more freedom. I, as many other true and informed Americans, have my eyes open and I am ready along with the rest of my true American Citizens, to stop politics as usual. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. I say to Congress you all will be fired in your next election unless we, the American Citizens, in all fifty states find attorneys to fire all of you now. Somebody has to go to prison!

Ms. Fox Speaks!

Diane Williams, also known as Mrs. Fox is a unique character based from Nevada York's novels, Caught Up and Mahogany's Revelations. ( nevadayorkhttp://nevadayork) She is an old soul at heart, who loves to tell it like it is! She firmly believes the real war on Earth is a spiritual war: Good vs. Evil. Diane's goal is to make sure that every person is aware that ones spirituality needs must out-weigh one's physical and mental desires. She currently resides in Idaho where she strives to "keep it real." nevadayorkhttp://nevadayork


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